Millie the Moon Dog is cuddling my toes
whilst the wind blows around this stony Scottish farmhouse tonight.
I can smell wax where the candles just got blown out.
Moments that could be this century or another
skate across the mind like water-boatmen on the lake.
Love stays ever-present like this
It moves like this
It asks you to stay like this
like the dog, the stone house and the candlewax
timeless, dateless, so visceral and undefinable.
It belongs to no moment and all time.
everywhere and nowhere
the host is nothing and everyone.
Tonight, Love is thick in the air and has no distance.
It perhaps always is
But right now this sticky substance that holds us together
so fragrantly unafraid and bold
is singing songs all night
as sweetly and as comforting as the moon dog's snoring hum.
Perhaps she is chasing dream squirrels x
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