Tears Flow.
What is released flows.
What is moving is moving us.
When fear comes it restricts,
it tightens, it makes small the expansive.
Like a vice grip it is designed to shrink.
In order to control water, you must contain it first.
In the face of pain,
of confusion and violence,
of suffering and sadness,
of grief...
Be free.
Do whatever you must to be that freedom.
Stay here, in your heart and keep expanding
This is the truest act of rebellion.
To shine even brighter
To cry and laugh even louder.
To play ever more passionately.
To Live evermore brilliantly.
To engage evermore fully.
To experience with even more openness
To love ever harder, wider and ever more inclusively.
Be a 'Supernova love',
exploding into a million pieces
until there is no separation anymore;
no this or that, just one.
‘The soft overcomes the hard’
Lao Tzu said this.
Do not let this world harden you.
Let us not fight the fight of ‘us and them’
but flow stronger into all that is.
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