Recently in a silent retreat with my eyes closed and the balmy
summer breeze floating into the hall
I heard a butterfly trapped in the top balcony, desperate
and exhausted to get to the outside,
seeing its true home was just a small, glass vale away from
the ‘prison’ of the room.
Have you too felt like this?
Exhausted of trying to get ‘there’?
The magical plateau in life that once you reach,
it will all
be over and life will always be great all the time.
Having an intellectual understanding of truth but not ‘realizing’
or living it?
Still feeling stuck in the mind's stories, the personality,
knowing that it is not all you are,
but not knowing how to get to not being there either!
It’s tiring just to write it down, yet we live it over and
over..and over.. and….
Whilst the butterfly struggled, the nearby church bells rang
Ah yes! The bells of the heart, the alarm call to
remind you to come home
Papaji said ‘call off the search’ and this is the sweet
truth of it.
The butterfly struggled upstairs (in the mind) whilst all
the windows and doors
downstairs (in the heart) were open.
The butterfly, like you beautiful one, was always free.
She was simply looking out of the wrong window, dwelling in
the wrong room of the house.
And when you spend your life there,
in suffering, knowing there is something beyond this,
but not knowing how to get there
and you can’t get into the right room....
what then???
Well, then a miracle happens and grace hears your call.
in suffering, knowing there is something beyond this,
but not knowing how to get there
and you can’t get into the right room....
what then???
Well, then a miracle happens and grace hears your call.
And once you are truly exhausted, tired, frustrated, angry
and confused and cannot go on,
then grace does the most clever and intelligent thing it
It breaks your heart.
A crack
Just big enough for you to fly through.
It’s the breaking that ends the lie of separation.
For that beautiful one, is what is actually hurting you most.
Dwell in your heart and know
Nothing was ever broken.
There was no glass.
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