'Realize you are only resentful to the extent you have given your personal power away.
If you are in full possession of your personal power
you can afford to be generous when others
are behaving poorly'
Katherine Woodward Thomas
Only when I honour myself
can I honour you,
Can I even see what there is to honour in you,
in life and all things.
My honouring becomes a reflection of my own inside job.
Our life force,
like a glowing star in a fragile jar,
must be contained,
to shoot forth at the right time;
When it is most potent, productive
and powerful in its
Wisdom is knowing when to open the lid
and when to keep it closed for nurturing.
Like the seed under
the earth.
Wisdom is knowing how to spend your energy wisely,
in a place where it is seen, loved, respected.
Or at the very least, a situation that was truly worth
When you don’t do this for yourself
You will see dishonour's dirty footprints over every area
of your life.
The leaky non-committal or controlling relationships, the
work that isn’t paid for,
The time-starved unbalanced days of try, try and try.
Like the little match girl, you will keep lighting fires
that won't light.
By taking your light to all the wrong place
and having built no foundation of your own.
You will be a stranger in your own life.
Constantly looking out there for what you always had all
Until this day ends,
you will never find the love or life you seek.
You must give it to yourself first.
Reveal it to yourself first.
Love gives forth of itself.
To be wise with your energy is not to be unloving.
It is to be truly loving.
I only give you my cup to drink from when it is pure
filled with eternal life and brimming with unconditional
Not when it is poisoned with ulterior motives,
wants, guilts, obligations or shoulds
or the unquenchable tauntings of 'you now owe me'.
This is no drink to give to anyone.
It has no nutrients.
and it always has a catch.
and it always has a catch.
Your gifts are god-given
Your life is god-given
Your love is god-given
Your very existence is god-given.
Treat your life with the grace and respect it deserves
Every breath in and out is a prayer
an ecstatic surrender to the eternal light from which you
are born.
Let you star shine within its jar (your care).
Water it and feed it, caress it and sing to it.
Give it all you would give your own child
Your own lover, your own family, your own best friend.
Honour it as precious and divine
Because it truly is.
You don’t have to work hard
to be loved.
You do not have to earn your right to be honoured
appreciated, seen or heard.
I promise you that love was not only destined for you no matter what,
afforded to you no matter what, but you are so loved
as to be made entirely out of this substance alone.
If you find you are working hard to earn what you already are,
close the jar for now and come back to the Great Mother,
the source of life and thank her for showing you again,
the origin of the nature that you were born from.
The love you always had from the start.
Don’t wait for someone else to honour you first.
It is hopeless and you will be waiting for a very very
long time.
Be the teacher yourself and stop trying so hard.
A star does not have to try to be a star.
Remember this.
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