These are what Mooji calls ‘imposter’ thoughts. More like a superficial religion than the actual truth, the mind tries to attach to a new story of what it now has to look like and do.
I too went through this stage and felt for a while I could not do any of my older work, that it would be fake, not true etc. What I came to realize is that truth is not separate from anything I do. If you still enjoy being a reiki practitioner, a shoe seller, a crystal healer, a beauty therapist, a barrister, a rock guitarist, a bank clerk, a mechanic, whatever it is that actually gives you some joy, there is no reason why this life path has to end for you. In fact it's important not to run away from these things and ‘turn’ on them as suddenly not being spiritual or true enough
I've noticed there can be a weird egoic pressure to live in this brand new way and change ALL of your life on the outside to fit in with the new ‘identity’. However, it is just that, an indentity. It’s important to recognize this when it happens and see it for what it is; the mind trying to change the outside yet again rather than reside in the peace of the stillness inside.
You will be able to go back to these things with a renewed clarity and even a lightness and fun because you will know that it is useful and valuable and that truth, pure presence, runs through all things that exist. You will reside in them in a new way and by proxy, it will ‘supercharge’ what you do with a new power it didn’t have before.
Now is the time to allow life to unfold a new path in front of you in curiosity. Maybe your work will change, maybe it won’t. You may find new desires arising and they are totally valid but you are no less if you work ‘traditionally’ on the side whilst pursuing your new visions. You are no less because you do an ‘ordinary’ job now, for a while or always. The difference between an ordinary job and an extraordinary job is totally down to the person who is doing it! Don’t go and force yourself into anywhere you don’t want to be, stay true to who you are, what you can handle and what you are good at. If you find something you flow with and you enjoy, it cannot be ‘wrong’.
You will most likely be peeling away layers to find who you truly are your whole life. As your authenticity starts to rise and be declared there will be many changes and they may never end! So whatever you are doing right now, value it because you are in it and you value yourself for that. You are enough!
Remember you don’t have to now go out and save the world. You, in saving yourself will have already done that.
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