Photo: Sea Sun by JBY 2016
A friend told me last weekend
How to set yourself free if you encounter an undercurrent at sea.
He said most people die from exhaustion by fighting to swim away from the pull of it.
To survive, he explained, you must go with the undercurrent
Let it take you completely and it will eventually drag you along further down the shore
And then you can swim to safety just a little further away from home
Perhaps just a little further up from where you thought you would be
Or should be.
What futility to attempt to hold onto
The vast expanding tide it seems.
The relentless shores of possibility
Wait only for you to turn your gaze momentarily upon them
So that they can welcome you in.
And take you where you need to go
Which may very often be
Not at all where you originally thought.
And perhaps when you are on your knees in exhaustion
It is only then can you surrender
To the anonymous yet benevolent undercurrent of Grace
That carries you always.
And further more
those inkling tides that lap upon the shore of your instinct
relentlessly whispering
though you may not like their tone
though you may not always want to face them fully
are perhaps most wise to be listened to also
Trust the undercurrent
Above all
Trust yourself.
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