Are you going to get in the ring with life?
face it head-on?
feel it fully?
Or are you going to let life chase you around the ring?
avoiding it, pushing the feelings down
waiting for another time and running away
up into your head
into spin, stories, chaos?
This eternal chase is the cause of our unrest. 
Yet in its own way, each moment, 
each challenge and fear,
is an opportunity for holy communion
between you and the truth.
Between you and the richness of reality;
things just as they are.
If you choose to meet it
It will only strengthen you.
If you avoid it, it will diminish you.
Not in who you truly are;
that is eternal, changeless.
But it will dent your strength, your resolution. 
So today.. is this the right time
to finally get in the ring?
Could it be that it's always the right time?
